A review of evidence on the performance of financial aid instruments (beyond budget support)
This report presents an overview of the available evidence on positive and negative performance in the use of financial aid instruments (FAIs)
This report presents an overview of the available evidence on positive and negative performance in the use of financial aid instruments (FAIs). It aims to support efforts to identify the most appropriate forms of financial aid to use in the various contexts in which they work and to improve the effectiveness of their implementation.
This report reviews evidence on the performance of these aid instruments against a range of criteria and performance measures. In particular, it focuses attention on the degree to which these instruments have strengthened incentives to deliver results and ensure that governments still maintain control of their national budget.
This report accompanies and follows on from - Identifying the main categories of financial aid instruments (beyond budget support) and how they have been used
Rabinowitz, G. A review of evidence on the performance of financial aid instruments (beyond budget support). EPS PEAKS, UK (2016), iii, 20p