A Typology of Learning Profiles: Tools for Analysing the Dynamics of Learning

Analysis of learning profiles fills gaps in understanding of learning outcomes by providing information on the learning over multiple ages or grades


Analysis of learning profiles fills important gaps in current understanding of learning outcomes by providing information on the dynamics of learning over multiple ages or grades, particularly in the primary years, and on progress towards universal learning goals. Learning profiles contribute to 2 main policy areas: by quantifying learning trajectories, they shed light on potential learning gains from expanding years of schooling (extending the learning profile) versus improving learning per year (steepening the learning profile), and on how resulting policy priorities will vary across countries. When disaggregated by group, they help diagnose inequalities in learning and inform policies aimed at achieving equality across groups and equity goals of universal skills. Because descriptive learning profiles can be analysed using many types of existing data, education ministries, researchers, or practitioners can use this typology, combined with a scan of available data for a particular country, to determine what types of learning profiles analysis are possible and will best meet the needs of that country.

This research is part of the ‘Research on Improving Systems of Education’ programme


Kaffenberger, M.2019.A Typology of Learning Proiles: Tools for Analysing the Dynamics of Learning. RISE Insight Series.2019/015. https://doi.org/10.35489/BSG-RISE-RI_2019/013.

A Typology of Learning Profiles: Tools for Analysing the Dynamics of Learning

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Published 13 December 2019