A Water Poverty Analysis of the Niger Basin, West Africa. Niger Basin Focal Project: Work Package 1.


This report documents the findings of Work Package 1 for the Niger Basin Focal Project: A water poverty analysis. Research outputs presented here include maps of high poverty incidence and water related vulnerability. The statistical analysis revealed considerable spatial variation in water related poverty in addition to significant differences in the intra and inter-national factors associated with poverty. Poverty was measured as levels of child mortality, child morbidity and an asset wealth index to improve sensitivity in a primarily subsistence economy. Whilst the absolute quantity of water resources was important in some areas, the social and economic capacity to use and access this water was often more important.


Ward, J.; Kaczan, D.; Lukasiewicz, A. A Water Poverty Analysis of the Niger Basin, West Africa. Niger Basin Focal Project: Work Package 1. (2009) 148 pp. [CPWF Project Report]

A Water Poverty Analysis of the Niger Basin, West Africa. Niger Basin Focal Project: Work Package 1.

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Published 1 January 2009