Acacia erioloba: monograph and annotated bibliography


This monograph compiles the results of range-wide studies of the distribution, ecology, taxonomy and variation of an important African acacia species. It follows the style of an earlier OFI Tropical Forestry Paper (No. 32) on Acacia karroo and, like the former volume, it provides an exhaustive annotated bibliography. These species, together with other African acacias, are exceptionally important for the survival of humans and their domestic animals in the dry regions of Africa while some have potential elsewhere.


Barnes, R.D.; Fagg, C.W.; Milton, S.J. Acacia erioloba: monograph and annotated bibliography. Oxford Forestry Institute, Oxford, UK (1997) 76 pp. ISBN 0 85074 143 2 [Tropical Forestry Papers no. 35]

Acacia erioloba: monograph and annotated bibliography

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Published 1 January 1997