Adolescents in Jordan: psychosocial well-being

This brief is part of the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) programme


Psychosocial well-being, including emotional resilience and support from adults and peers, is central to adolescents’ healthy transitions to adulthood. GAGE findings highlight the vulnerability of young people in Jordan and suggest there is considerable scope for government and humanitarian programming to do more to foster the good mental health that underpins young people’s confidence and self-reliance and the social connections that foster appreciation for diversity and a sense of belonging.

This brief is an output of the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) programme


Presler-Marshall, E., Jones, N., Baird, S. and Malachoswka, A. (2019) Adolescents in Jordan: psychosocial well-being. Policy Note. London: Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence.

Adolescents in Jordan: psychosocial well-being

Published 22 July 2019