African Journals - An Evaluation of the Use of African-published Journals in African Universities Evaluating Impact.


This study was commissioned by the Overseas Development Administration (subsequently re-named Department for International Development) in January 1996, as a follow-up to the 1994 pilot project of the African Journals Distribution Programme.

Data was collected each year for a period of three years, 1996 to 1998, on the use made of African-published journals in two universities in Africa. Co-ordination, design of common data collection instruments and data analysis were undertaken by the International African Institute. In April 1999, the co-ordinator and two local researchers met in London to discuss the findings. This report is the result of that meeting.


Alemna, A.A.; Rosenberg, D.; Vitalicy Chifwepa. African Journals - An Evaluation of the Use of African-published Journals in African Universities Evaluating Impact. (1999) 63 pp. ISBN 1 86192 157 7

African Journals - An Evaluation of the Use of African-published Journals in African Universities Evaluating Impact.

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Published 1 January 1999