Agarose-Based ecotilling as a tool for targeted genotyping in Oryza species.
EcoTILLING, a derivative of TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes) is a reverse genetics tool useful in identifying polymorphisms in natural populations at candidate genes of interest.
Gamalinda, M.B.; Atienza, G.A.; Sanciangco, M.D.; Raghavan, C.; Cairns, J.; Lafitte, R.; Atlin, G.; Kumar, A.; Serraj, R.; McNally, K.L.; Naredo, M.E.B.; Melgar, R.J.A. Agarose-Based ecotilling as a tool for targeted genotyping in Oryza species. Presented at the 5th International Symposium of Rice Functional genomics, 15-17 October 2007, Tsukuba, Japan. (2007) 1 pp.