Agrochemical pollution risks associated with irrigation in Developing Countries
The guide describes the types of problems arising from agrochemical use and reviews the characteristics of the two main classes - nutrients and biocides. It also describes the principal mechanisms by which agrochemical pollution is transmitted and the effect of such pollution on public health and the environment. It outlines some management options for the use of agrochemicals and for controlling the pollution that may result. It also provides recommendations on monitoring agrochemical pollution in water; sets out the case for more environmentally sustainable use of agrochemicals; and discusses training needs.
The guide assists professionals in developing countries to understand the crucial issues and to identify how to access the large amount of information that is distributed across a wide number of books, papers, reports and other publications.
Guidelines are given on permissible concentrations of agrochemicals, on how to monitor them and on recommendations for agrochemical use in Developing Countries.
Details are also given in the Guide of recent techniques to better manage agrochemical pollution. An appendix gives the use and characteristics of the main biocides in current use around the world. Attention is particularly drawn to hazardous agrochemicals.
HR Wallingford, UK. 78 pp.