AgroEspecial 5: Experiencias en fitomejoramiento participativo y los desafíos para su institucionalización [AgroEspecial 5: Experiences in participatory plant breeding and challenges for its institutionalization]
The purpose of this report is to provide a collective view on Participatory Plant Breeding (PPB). It addresses the technical and social approaches. It also identifies the challenges to incorporate PPB to the national breeding systems, which we argue as necessary for scaling up, to disseminate and for future sustainability. We present concrete experiences from several PPB projects in Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia, which were selected to give a wide range of different levels of cooperation between researchers, NGOs and farmers.
Almekinders, C.; Hardon, J.; Guevara, F. (eds.). AgroEspecial 5: Experiencias en fitomejoramiento participativo y los desafíos para su institucionalización [AgroEspecial 5: Experiences in participatory plant breeding and challenges for its institutionalization]. Agromisa Foundation, Wageningen, The Netherlands (2008) 147 pp. ISBN 978-90-8573-097-2 [In Spanish]