Agroforestry and forestry on the Cape Verde Islands


The geography, socio-economy, climate and agriculture of the Cape Verde Islands are introduced. Forestry and agroforestry provenance trials are described for coastal and inland areas in the semi-arid climate of Cape Verde. Sesbania sesban var. nubica showed promise as a drought tolerant, fast growing agroforestry species and Acacia bivenosa is recommended for soil stabilisation of exposed coastal areas. At a saline coastal site Atriplex lentiformis and A.halimus were the fastest growing of seven Atriplex species.


Sandys-Winsch, D.C.; Harris, P.J.C. Agroforestry and forestry on the Cape Verde Islands. Agroforestry Systems (1992) 19 (1) 79-91. [DOI: 10.1007/BF00130096]

Agroforestry and forestry on the Cape Verde Islands

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Published 1 January 1992