Alternative Production and Cost Savings in Winch Dyeing.


This booklet has been put together to give a brief and straightforward introduction to \"alternative\" or \"cleaner\" production options for dyeing cotton with reactive dyes in winch-dyeing machines. It is not a comprehensive manual but is one in a series of booklets that cover various aspects of the dyeing industry, including efficiency, cost reduction, pollution mitigation, effluent treatment, environmental legislation, health and safety, and corporate responsibility. This booklet covers some basic principles about reactive dyes and the optimal conditions for their use, to increase efficiency, save money and reduce pollution. All options set out in this booklet are low- or no-cost options that can be easily implemented and for which cost savings will be quickly seen. The booklet also provides examples that enable factories to calculate their own potential cost savings from implementing the suggested changes.


Ahmed, S.; Clemett, A.; Clark, M.; Tapley, K. Alternative Production and Cost Savings in Winch Dyeing. (2004) 26 pp. ISBN 984-8121-08-0

Alternative Production and Cost Savings in Winch Dyeing.

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Published 1 January 2004