An Evaluation of the DTW Mk5 Low Cost Brailler (PrinSon Brailler).


The DTW Mk5 Braille Writer is the result an ongoing design and development process spanning over two years. Earlier developments resulted in design changes and a final prototype Braille writer which is lighter and smaller than the previous DTW prototypes, with improved functions. An evaluation of the Braille Writer conducted in Cambodia is reported. A description of how the machine operates is provided, a summary of evaluation findings presented, and suggestions for continuation of the project made.


Pearson, H.; Crenn, P. An Evaluation of the DTW Mk5 Low Cost Brailler (PrinSon Brailler). (2003) 13 pp.

An Evaluation of the DTW Mk5 Low Cost Brailler (PrinSon Brailler).

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Published 1 January 2003