An integrated assessment of Indonesian river fishery reserves; Part 1 - Introduction and study design; Part 2 - Institutional analyses; Part 3 - Biological studies; Part 4 - Socio-economical studies and the distribution of fisheries costs and benefits.


Hoggarth, D.D., Koeshendrajana, S, Aeron-Thomas, M., Garaway, C., Halls, A.S., Nasution, Z., Samuel, & Sarnita, A. An integrated assessment of Indonesian river fishery reserves; Part 1 - Introduction and study design; Part 2 - Institutional analyses; Part 3 - Biological studies; Part 4 - Socio-economical studies and the distribution of fisheries costs and benefits. Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Research (2004) 9 (1) 1-26.

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Published 1 January 2004