Antibiotics for the primary prevention of acute rheumatic fever: a meta-analysis.
Rheumatic fever continues to put a significant burden on the health of low socio-economic populations in low and middle-income countries despite the near disappearance of the disease in the developed world over the past century. Antibiotics have long been thought of as an effective method for preventing the onset of acute rheumatic fever following a Group-A streptococcal (GAS) throat infection; however, their use has not been widely adopted in developing countries for the treatment of sore throats. The authors used the tools of systematic review and meta-analysis to quantify the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment for sore throat, with symptoms suggestive of group A streptococcal (GAS) infection, for the primary prevention of acute rheumatic fever.
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 2005, 5 (11), [doi: 10.1186/1471-2261-5-11]
Antibiotics for the primary prevention of acute rheumatic fever: a meta-analysis.