Are partners of HIV-infected people being tested for HIV? A mixed-methods research from Gujarat, India
One third of people living with HIV did not have their partners tested for HIV
4 selected antiretroviral therapy (ART) centres of Gujarat State, India, which accounts for 8% of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) burden in India.
to assess the proportion of people living with HIV (PLHIV) whose partners were not tested for HIV;
to assess sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of index cases associated with partner testing;
to understand perceived facilitators and barriers to partner testing and make suggestions on how to improve testing from the perspective of the health-care provider.
A mixed-method design with a quantitative phase that involved reviewing the programme records of married PLHIV enrolled during 2011–2015, followed by a qualitative phase of key informant interviews.
Of 3884 married PLHIV, 1279 (33%) did not have their partners tested for HIV. Factors including index cases being male, illiterate, aged >25 years, belonging to key populations, substance use and being in advanced clinical stages were more likely to be associated with partner non-testing. Non-disclosure of HIV status (due to fear of marital discord) and lack of awareness and risk perception were the key barriers to testing.
One third of PLHIV did not have their partners tested for HIV. Several factors were identified as being associated with the non-testing of partners, and solutions were explored that need to be implemented urgently if we are to achieve the 90–90–90 targets and end HIV.
This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)
Selvaraj K, Kumar AMV., Chawla S, Shringarpure KS, Thekkur P, Palanivel C, Verma PB, Shah AN, Pandya KN, Roy G, Singh Z, Rewari BB, Dongre AR. Are partners of HIV-infected people being tested for HIV? A mixed-methods research from Gujarat, India. Public Health Action. 2017;7(1):46–54.