Assessing discrepancies in estimates of road traffic deaths in Brazil

This study sought to assess the quality of official reporting in Brazil and explain discrepancies.


In this study the authors obtained national death registration data and classified deaths to road traffic deaths and partially specified causes that could include traffic deaths. They adjusted data for completeness and reattributed partially specified causes proportionately over specified causes. The authors compared their estimates with reported statistics and estimates from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2019 study and other sources.

The authors concluded that Brazil has made progress in reducing road traffic deaths in the last decade and a high-level evaluation of what has worked in Brazil could provide important guidance to other low and middle-income countries (LMICs).


Bhalla K, Job S, Mitra S, and others. ‘Assessing discrepancies in estimates of road traffic deaths in Brazil’ Injury Prevention 2023: volume 29, issue 5, pages 412-417

Assessing discrepancies in estimates of road traffic deaths in Brazil

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Published 30 October 2023