Assignment Report: Annual Review of DFID Kenya's Harmonized HIV and AIDS Programme, May 2011


The objectives of the review were to revise the programme log frame to reflect the outcome of the 2011 Bilateral AIDS Review decision not to continue with the Total War on AIDS component; to review the progress towards milestones and targets and make recommendations on any changes that should be made as the programme enters its final year.

Overall, solid progress has been made by the remaining components towards the purpose of supporting the effective implementation of Kenya's National AIDS Strategic Plan (KNASP) through harmonised approaches.


Laurence, C. Assignment Report: Annual Review of DFID Kenya’s Harmonized HIV and AIDS Programme, May 2011. HDRC, UK (2011) 25 pp.

Assignment Report: Annual Review of DFID Kenya’s Harmonized HIV and AIDS Programme, May 2011

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Published 1 January 2011