Assignment Report: Taking Action against HIV and AIDS in the UK Overseas Territories, End of Project Evaluation for the South Atlantic Overseas Territories


Evaluation findings include:

  • Programme implementation was slower than anticipated.
  • At Goal level Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) and HIV incidence rates remain low and have been sustained during the project. However, incidence was very low on commencement so it is difficult to attribute this to interventions.
  • Higher level on-island inputs should have been provided in the early part of the project in order to 'kick-start' some critical activities, produce some early outputs and achievements, and to ensure that the relevant infrastructure was in place.
  • The project has successfully raised awareness at strategic level of the need to consider how best to respond to HIV/SRH (Sexual and reproductive health) Rights -related issues. Each territory now has a SRH framework in place which can be maintained and strengthened if there is sufficient motivation to do so.
  • Overall project management appears to have focused primarily on the Caribbean Overseas Territories which was a deliberate strategic decision in response to identified needs.
  • Retaining capacity built during the implementation period will be challenging but if efforts are made on-island to conclude the outstanding activities and strengthen the systems developed this will provide mitigation to a certain extent.


Stevenson, D. Assignment Report: Taking Action against HIV and AIDS in the UK Overseas Territories, End of Project Evaluation for the South Atlantic Overseas Territories. Human Development Resource Centre, UK (2012) 57 pp.

Assignment Report: Taking Action against HIV and AIDS in the UK Overseas Territories, End of Project Evaluation for the South Atlantic Overseas Territories

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Published 1 January 2012