Baseline study on trained diploma midwives in Bangladesh

This study aims to understand the impacts of newly trained and introduced midwives in Bangladesh health system on health outcomes


This research was commissioned by the Department for International Development’s South Asia Research Hub as a baseline study to understand the long-term impacts of newly trained and introduced midwives in Bangladesh health system on health outcomes.

The overall objectives of the study is to create baseline data to understand the value added by the new midwifery cadre to maternal and new-born health in Bangladesh following their introduction to the health system and to suggest suitable strategies to effectively develop, deploy and utilise them for better maternal and new-born health outcomes.

There is a briefing on key findings from the baseline study.


  • Zaman R, Sabur MA, Khaled A and Islam S (2019) ‘Final report: Baseline study on trained diploma midwives in Bangladesh’, Oxford: Oxford Policy Management and Dhaka: Mitra and Associates.

  • Zaman R, Sabur MA, Khaled A and Islam S (2019) Research on the long-term impacts of trained midwives on health outcomes in Bangladesh: Key findings from the baseline study. Oxford: Oxford Policy Management and Dhaka: Mitra and Associates.

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Published 25 September 2019