Best practice on designing for equitable public transport networks through accessibility modelling in emerging Covid-19 cities
How can urban transport networks be rapidly reviewed, redesigned and rolled out for a more gender-equitable system?
Urban transport networks have historically been designed around journeys to work in the formal sector – traditionally considered the primary trip purpose. However, it has been well-documented that although this tends to serve the male population well, women’s journeys are often to informal employment, more complex, with multiple destinations or by being accompanied by children or baggage.
COVID-19 has created a need to rapidly review and re-plan public transport networks in order to differently serve the most dominant journeys. As such, this project has sought to answer the core question, ‘How can urban transport networks be rapidly reviewed, redesigned and rolled out for a more gender-equitable system?’
This is an output of the High Volume Transport Applied Research Programme
Stott, I. and Stringer, R. 2021. Best practice on designing for equitable public transport networks through accessibility modelling in emerging COVID-19 cities. Covid-19 Response and Recovery Transport Research Fund. Accessible from: