Biophysical aspects of vegetative soil and water conservation practices in the Inter-Andean valleys of Bolivia


The current DFID (Department for International Development) Hillsides Project in Bolivia is a study of soil and water conservation options for smallholder hillside farms in the Inter-Andean valley region of Bolivia. The two most appropriate options are live-barriers of grass, shrub, and tree species (sown on the contour); and green manure/cover crop legumes. Results of technical analyses of the practices are presented. Other, complementary, elements of the project are noted (socioeconomic evaluation, modeling of barrier and legume performance, and watershed characterization with GIS). There is a strong participatory focus. Most of the research is done in farmers' fields and the diffusion process is the result of the strong linkages between farmer and researcher.


Sims, B.G.; Rodriguez, F.; Eid, M.; Espinosa, T. Biophysical aspects of vegetative soil and water conservation practices in the Inter-Andean valleys of Bolivia. Mountain Research and Development (1999) 19 (4) 282-291.

Biophysical aspects of vegetative soil and water conservation practices in the Inter-Andean valleys of Bolivia

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Published 1 January 1999