Born-to-Export Firms: Understanding Export Growth in Bangladesh (IGC Working Paper)


“Born to export” (BTE) firms often emerge in industries for which there is little or no domestic demand in the exporting country. We assess the importance of BTE firms in apparel exports in Bangladesh and compare it to the experience of other apparel exporting countries for which we have the necessary data, in particular China, Colombia, and Taiwan. In the second part of our paper we develop a BTE model of exporting, arguing that it can account for the features we observe in Bangladesh.


Diaz de Astarloa, B.; Eaton, J.; Kala Krishna; Aw-Roberts, B.Y.; Rodriguez-Clare, A.; Tybout, J. Born-to-Export Firms: Understanding Export Growth in Bangladesh (IGC Working Paper). International Growth Centre (IGC), London, UK (2013) 43 pp.

Born-to-Export Firms: Understanding Export Growth in Bangladesh (IGC Working Paper)

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Published 1 January 2013