Building Effective States: Taking a Citizen's Perspective - brochure


Brochure - Lessons learned from the five-year research programme on work conducted in 12 developing countries.

Target readers for this publication are those concerned with the policies and practice of international aid. Increasingly donors have picked up the challenge of building effective states as critical for effective aid that reduces poverty and helps achieve the Millennium Development Goals. From a perspective that understands an effective state as one that is inclusive, democratic and just, this publication's specific response to that challenge is through presenting country-based findings from the first phase of work (2001-2005) of members of the Development Research Centre on Citizenship, Participation and Accountability (DRC) that are most relevant to debates about effective state building and by offering some policy messages. At the same time, by 'taking a citizen's perspective' the paper complements the research of another Development Research Centre that is working on the Future State.

See also the pull-out section of the same name.


Eyben, R.; Ladbury, S. Building Effective States: Taking a Citizen’s Perspective - brochure. (2006) 24 pp.

Building Effective States: Taking a Citizen’s Perspective - brochure

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Published 1 January 2006