Can solar water kiosks generate sustainable revenue streams for rural water services?

Examines the effect of upgrading manual handpumps to solar kiosks in rural Mali from 2019 to 2023.


The authors examine the effect of upgrading manual handpumps to solar kiosks in rural Mali from 2019 to 2023. Their study suggests that rural Malians are more inclined to pay for water from professionally managed solar kiosks. However, seasonal volatility in water demand and uncertainty in the long-term revenue effect suggests caution in assuming solar kiosks are a definitive solution in rural Africa.

This article is part of the REACH Improving Water Security for the Poor programme.


Wagner J and others. ‘Can solar water kiosks generate sustainable revenue streams for rural water services?’ World Development 2024: volume 185

Can solar water kiosks generate sustainable revenue streams for rural water services?

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Published 19 July 2024