Challenges in TB diagnosis and treatment: the Kavieng Provincial Hospital experience, Papua New Guinea

Linkage between laboratory diagnosis and treatment initiation, and the characteristics and treatment outcomes of TB patients


The setting for this study is the Tuberculosis (TB) Basic Management Unit at Kavieng Provincial Hospital, New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea. The objective is to assess the linkage between laboratory diagnosis and treatment initiation and describe the characteristics and treatment outcomes of TB patients.

This research was supported by the UK Department for International Development’s Operational Research Capacity Building Programme led by the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union)


Sodeng K, Botu A, Semmie M, Yoannes M, Shewade HD, Commons R, Graham SM, du Cros P. Challenges in TB diagnosis and treatment: the Kavieng Provincial Hospital experience, Papua New Guinea. Public Health Action. 2019;9(1):S57–61.

Challenges in TB diagnosis and treatment: the Kavieng Provincial Hospital experience, Papua New Guinea

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Published 21 August 2019