CHIP Report 4: Child poverty and cash transfers
This report examines the role of cash transfers in the reduction of child poverty in developing and transition countries. Recent evidence from transition and developing countries suggests that different kinds of targeted cash transfers can make a significant contribution in reducing poverty and vulnerability among children and their households. In countries with growing numbers of orphans and child-headed households, ensuring that vulnerable children without adult support receive cash transfers is an urgent policy challenge. The report reviews different types of cash transfers and concludes that income supplements and minimum guaranteed incomes are likely to have the greatest poverty reduction impacts. Furthermore, programmes that integrate cash transfers with other key services are likely to have the strongest impacts on child wellbeing. To be most effective, cash transfers need to be part of wider anti-poverty policy that enhances poor people's economic opportunities. Though some poor countries have fully financed cash transfer programmes, in many, medium-term international support will be needed
Barrientos, A., DeJong, J. (2004) CHIP Report 4: Child poverty and cash transfers. Childhood Poverty Research and Policy Centre (CHIP), London, UK, ISBN: 1-904922-02-3, ii + 52 pp.