Chronic Poverty and PRSPs: A desk study.
This paper has two purposes:
• to summarise what can be gleaned from a desk study with regard to the treatment of chronic poverty in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs), focusing in particular on poverty analysis and monitoring; and key areas of policy and action likely to impact on chronic poverty
• to contribute to defining the agenda for the Chronic Poverty Research Centre's forthcoming primary research on how far PRSPs are contributing to reducing chronic poverty. This will focus largely on questions related to implementation and how it can more effectively reduce chronic poverty.
The focus in this paper is to obtain a good overview of how chronic poverty is treated in a range of PRSPs, rather than undertake in-depth analyses of particular contexts; this will be done in the primary research.
Background Paper for the Chronic Poverty Report 2008-09. Chronic Poverty Research Centre, London, UK, 117 pp.