Climate & environment assessment: Support to the IMF capability assessment program (CAP) in Tunisia and Libya
A Climate and Environmental Appraisal as part of the Business Case for support to the pilot phase of a new IMF project
Evidence on Demand was requested by DFID to carry out a Climate and Environmental Appraisal as part of the Business Case for support to the pilot phase of a new IMF project to conduct a review of the capabilities of key economic policy-making institutions (notably for fiscal and monetary policy) in Tunisia and Libya. The consultant supplemented the Business Case and completed the C and EA Assurance Note, proposing a C category for risk (no/low potential impact) and a B category for opportunity (medium). The justification for this is the opportunity for the missions to identify the scope for introducing or adjusting fiscal measures (taxes and incentives) having positive climate mitigation or local environmental impact. Depending on their findings, further development of such measures could occur subsequently, supported by international or bilateral actions.
Winpenny, J. Climate & environment assessment: Support to the IMF capability assessment program (CAP) in Tunisia and Libya. Evidence on Demand, UK (2013) 8 pp. [DOI: 10.12774/eod_HD029.jan2013.winpenny]