Commentary: Biomedical research, trade policy and international health: beyond medical ethics


This is a comentary on an article published elsewhere in the same issue of the journal (Benatar, S.M.: Reflections and recommendations on research ethics in developing countries. Social Science & Medicine (2002) Volume 54, Issue 7, pp.1131-1141). It discusses the issues of which political and economic factors cause problems in research ethics, and how far researchers and organizations can be bound by enforceable regulations. It argues that World Trade Organization regulations and the lack of enforceable international law to impose duties on corporations are both significant problems, and makes suggestions for dealing with them.


Social Science & Medicine (2002) Volume 54, Issue 7, pp.1143-1144 [doi:10.1016/S0277-9536(01)00328-8]

Commentary: Biomedical research, trade policy and international health: beyond medical ethics

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Published 1 January 2002