Concrete Pavement Trials in Zimbabwe. TRL Research Report 381.

This report describes the designs and summarises the condition surveys that have taken place since the road was opened to traffic


In 1985 the Overseas Unit of the Transport Research Laboratory assisted the Ministry of Transport in Zimbabwe to design and construct 4 trial sections of concrete road pavement with a total length of 1.42 km.

The objective was to demonstrate the viability of concrete pavements in a region where they are not used and to generate enough data to prepare suitable specifications for the conditions common in the drier regions of Africa. This report describes the designs, summarises the condition surveys that have taken place since the road was opened to traffic and draws initial conclusions concerning design and material specifications.


Parry, JD,Hewitt, NC,Jones, TE (1993) Concrete Pavement Trials in Zimbabwe. TRL Research Report 381. Transport Research Laboratory (TRL)

Concrete Pavement Trials in Zimbabwe. TRL Research Report 381.

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Published 1 January 1993