Constitution-building and disruption: addressing changing conflict patterns

This report summarises discussions at the 8th Edinburgh Dialogue on Post-Conflict Constitution-Building.


This report summarises discussions at the 8th Edinburgh Dialogue on Post-Conflict Constitution-Building.

During the first day of the event, participants sought to take stock of and map peacebuilding and ‘transition management’ changes, and consider whether and how they are impacting on the constitution-building field, from both peace-mediator and constitution-maker perspectives.

The 2 main questions considered:

  1. How are peace and conflict practices changing, and how are they situated in a changing global order?

  2. How do processes of peace- and constitution-building need to adapt to the new conflict dynamics, including the internationalization of conflict and the fragmentation/diversification of conflict stakeholders?

The second day focused on data provision in the constitutional field and the ways in which this could enable more informed responses to the changing context.

This report is an output of the Peace and Conflict Resolution Evidence Platform (PEACEREP) programme


Bell, C. & Ainsworth, R. Constitution-building and Disruption: Addressing Changing Conflict Patterns - Eighth Edinburgh Dialogue on Post-Conflict Constitution-Building 2021. International IDEA 2022

Constitution-building and disruption: addressing changing conflict patterns

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Published 15 September 2022