Consumer market segments for biofortified iron beans in Rwanda: Evidence from a hedonic testing study

Profile of the consumer market segments identified to assist targeting of iron bean delivery, marketing and promotion efforts


An understanding of consumer market segments is important for efficient and effective targeting of new technologies, such as biofortified foods.

In this paper, the authors use cluster analysis to identify distinct consumer segments in Rwanda for 4 biofortified iron bean varieties. Data on consumer liking of various sensory attributes of beans was collected by using a 7-point hedonic scale through the application of home-use and central location tests implemented in 2 rural and 2 urban locations. Cluster analysis reveals the existence of several distinct consumer segments in each one of the 4 study locations. Further analysis is conducted by using multinomial probit and logit models to predict consumer segment membership based on the consumer characteristics. Results reveal that, depending on the location, consumer’s source of income and whether or not they received information about nutritional benefits of the iron bean varieties have a bearing on their preference of these varieties.

The paper presents a profile of each one of the consumer market segments identified to assist targeting of various iron bean delivery, marketing and promotion efforts in Rwanda.

This work is an output of the HarvestPlus Programme. The Department for International Development is one of the main donors for HarvestPlus.


Murekezi, Abdoul, Adewale Oparinde, and Ekin Birol. 2017. Consumer market segments for biofortified iron beans in Rwanda: Evidence from a hedonic testing study. Food Policy 66: 35-49.

Consumer market segments for biofortified iron beans in Rwanda: Evidence from a hedonic testing study

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Published 1 January 2017