Control of Foreign Fisheries: Modelling Licensing Decisions of Fishermen and the State.


The models developed in this paper are intended to represent the decisions of a coastal state, with an Exclusive Economic Zone containing a fish stock. Foreign vessels are fishing in this zone, and the state wishes to make revenue from this fishing activity. Section 1 describes the decision rules for both fishermen and the state under two risk scenarios (neutral and prone) and when risk extends to subsequent losses following penalisation. Section 2 describes the relationship between the control parameters of probability of capture, surveillance costs, licence costs and expected penalties. Section 3 assesses the effects on the model of different classes or categories of vessel. Section 4 investigates an approach to licence allocation using the methods described but with conservation constraints. Finally, section 5 describes the ways in which a Fisheries Management Game for the Control of Foreign Fisheries might be developed.


Fisheries Management Science Programme, Overseas Development Administration, London, UK, 31 pp.

Control of Foreign Fisheries: Modelling Licensing Decisions of Fishermen and the State.

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Published 1 January 1995