Country Situation Analysis: Northern Uganda

This analysis focuses on health systems in Northern Uganda


The ReBUILD Consortium is an international research partnership funded by the UK Department for International Development. ReBUILD’s purpose is to contribute towards improved access of the poor to effective health care and reduced health costs burdens, through the production and uptake of a coherent body of high quality, policy-relevant new research on health systems financing and human resources in post-conflict countries

Despite efforts to improve the health system in post conflict Northern Uganda, policy makers, donors and programme managers lack comprehensive and up-to-date information. This includes information on the health of the population, major stakeholders, as well as current research gaps and agendas that could inform policy over time.

The need to address this is particularly important as policy decisions taken in the early stages of recovery should be carefully balanced between immediate humanitarian needs and longer term development. Although several studies have been carried out, the majority have focused on conflict resolution, management and resettlement rather than the health system. It was therefore imperative for the ReBUILD project to conduct an analysis of the current situation.


Justine Namakula, Freddie Ssengooba, Sarah Ssali (2011). Country situation analysis: Northern Uganda. ReBUILD Consortium. Kampala, Uganda, Makerere University School of Public Health 77pp

Country Situation Analysis Uganda

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Published 1 November 2011