Cultivation of Mint as Viable Alternative Livelihood In East And North-east of Afghanistan


This is an introductory presentation to an ICARDA-RALF project to promote the cultivation of mint as a viable alternative livelihood to opium poppy cultivation for Afghan farmers. Mint is presented as a potentially competitive crop due to: easy growth; convenient storage; local availability; potential for good income locally and regionally. Different Mentha species are suggested for different project aims, for example, that M. piperita oil-rich varieties can produce high yields of value-added products such as mint oil and menthol. The presentation reviews current public awareness of mint, mint marketing strategies, mint's perceived medicinal value and the available mint-derived products.

For further information, consult the original project proposal document available here.


RALF, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria, 30 pp.

Cultivation of Mint as Viable Alternative Livelihood In East And North-east of Afghanistan

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Published 1 January 2005