Current procedures and policies dominating aid: building strong relationships and enabling NGOs meet their stated aims? A summary report on research carried out in Uganda, 2000-2004.


This document provides a summary of key issues arising from the research. It covers: an introduction to the research (the team, the methodology and the frameworks of analysis); the context for NGOs in Uganda: donor, government and NGO roles and perspectives; critical funding issues for NGOs in Uganda; donor conditionalities; implications; and conclusions.


Wallace, T. Current procedures and policies dominating aid: building strong relationships and enabling NGOs meet their stated aims? A summary report on research carried out in Uganda, 2000-2004. (2004) 23 pp.

Current procedures and policies dominating aid: building strong relationships and enabling NGOs meet their stated aims? A summary report on research carried out in Uganda, 2000-2004.

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Published 1 January 2004