Demystifying heavy metals and physicochemical characteristics of groundwater in a volcano-tectonic region of Middle Awash, Ethiopia, for multipurpose use

Investigates the concentrations of physicochemical and heavy metal contaminants in groundwater.


This study investigates the concentrations of physicochemical and heavy metal contaminants in the groundwater of the Middle Awash Basin, Ethiopia, to inform targeted water management strategies.

The findings emphasise the urgent need for comprehensive groundwater management and remediation plans in the Middle Awash region, measures critical to protect public health and support local development in the face of ongoing environmental and anthropogenic pressures.

This article is part of the REACH Improving Water Security for the Poor programme.


Abebe Y and others. ’Demystifying heavy metals and physicochemical characteristics of groundwater in a volcano-tectonic region of Middle Awash, Ethiopia, for multipurpose use’ Sustainability 2024: volume 16, issue 12

Demystifying heavy metals and physicochemical characteristics of groundwater in a volcano-tectonic region of Middle Awash, Ethiopia, for multipurpose use

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Published 20 June 2024