Developing supportive policy environments for improved land management strategies. Scientific report.


This study was designed to explore how linkages could be created between localized research and national policy processes. The purpose was defined at the outset as to find \"ways to accelerate and upscale pilot research experiences to the wider community … through developing supportive policy environments for improving land management strategies.\" This was to be done by addressing three objectives. The first was to identify information and knowledge from recent and current land management research which could be applied on a wide scale. The second was to identify and promote constraints to uptake and adaptation of land resource management strategies which are amenable to policy intervention. Finally, the project was expected to identify, validate and promote sustainable processes for informing policy discussions at national level, within government policy making structures and organisations that provide support services to rural land users.


Garfoth, C. 2005. Developing supportive policy environments for improved land management strategies. Scientific report. Annex A of the Final Technical Report for project R7958. Reading: IRDD, The University of Reading. 37 pp.

Developing supportive policy environments for improved land management strategies. Scientific report.

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Published 1 January 2005