Development of Low Volume Road Design Manuals, Second Workshop Report Sierra Leone and Ghana

The purpose of the workshops was to consolidate stakeholder engagement in the scope, style and relevance of the manual content


The Africa Community Access Partnership (AfCAP) is funding the preparation of manuals for Low Volume Roads (LVRs) for three AfCAP member countries in the West Africa sub-region. These are Liberia, Sierra Leone and Ghana. This report covers a second stakeholder workshop held in Sierra Leone on 29th and 30th January 2018 and in Ghana on 1st and 2nd February 2018. The purpose of these workshops was to consolidate stakeholder engagement in determining, for each manual, the most appropriate scope and style and to verify the relevance of the manual content.

This work is part of the Applied Research on Rural Roads and Transport Services through Community Access Programmes in Africa and Asia (AFCAP2 and AsCAP)


Geddes, R. and Goldie-Scott, H., CDS (2018). Development of Low Volume Road Design Manuals and update of standard specifications and detailed drawings for three AfCAP member countries in West Africa - Second Workshop Report – Sierra Leone and Ghana. London: ReCAP for DFID.

Development of Low Volume Road Design Manuals, Second Workshop Report Sierra Leone and Ghana

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Published 28 February 2018