Development Success: Historical Accounts from More Advanced Countries


What lessons can be learnt from 'developed' countries that might be useful for developing and emerging economies? With an emphasis on long-term growth and development, this book provides historical accounts of the development strategies of a select set of advanced countries. Each case study typically presents the country's 'successes' and the root causes of those successes. Organized into three parts, it covers four of the Nordics (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden), other industrially advanced countries (Japan, Ireland, and Switzerland), and transition economies (Czech, Hungary, and Poland). Although the book stresses that development strategies are, by and large, country and context-specific, the historical accounts are full of recurrent themes, which should provide useful lessons for developing countries and emerging economies.


Fosu, A.K. Development Success: Historical Accounts from More Advanced Countries. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2013) 368 pp. ISBN 978-0-19-966070-4 [WIDER Studies in Development Economics]

Development Success: Historical Accounts from More Advanced Countries

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Published 1 January 2013