Disclosure of their HIV status to HIV-infected children participating in the ARROW trial in Entebbe, Uganda.


A policy of informing children over 8 years old of their HIV-positive status was introduced (two children aged 7 years were also informed as they had been asking questions about tablet taking). Carers, especially those who were not biological parents, often needed professional support to make the disclosure, but they reported that disclosure helped improve children's adherence to antiretroviral therapy.


Nahirya-Ntege, P.; Kyarimpa, J.; Bwakura-Dangarembizi, M.; Nankya, F.; Namuddu, R.; Katuramu, R.; Bagurukira, E.; Lutaakome, J.; Aber, M.; Musinguzi, M.; Thomason, M.; Munderi, P. Disclosure of their HIV status to HIV-infected children participating in the ARROW trial in Entebbe, Uganda. Presented at 2nd International Workshop on HIV Paediatrics, Vienna, Austria, 16-17 July 2010 and XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria, 18-23 July 2010. (2010)

Disclosure of their HIV status to HIV-infected children participating in the ARROW trial in Entebbe, Uganda.

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Published 1 January 2010