DNA-based studies on Aphanomyces invadans, the fungal pathogen of epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS).
Epizootic ulcerative syndrome was defined at the DFID Regional Seminar on EUS in Bangkok in 1994 as “a seasonal epizootic condition of freshwater and estuarine warm water fish of complex infectious aetiology characterised by the presence of invasive Aphanomyces infection and necrotising ulcerative lesions typically leading to a granulomatous response” (Roberts et al., 1994). Research requirements identified from the meeting included work to compare and speciate fungal isolates from EUS outbreaks, develop diagnostic tests, and study the factors that affect transmission of the disease. Attempts are being made to apply DNA-based techniques to each of these study recommendations, and these are discussed here.
Walker, P. and Subasinghe, R. (eds.) DNA-based molecular diagnostic techniques: research needs for standardization and validation of the detection of aquatic animal pathogens and diseases. Report and proceedings of the Joint FAO/NACA/CSIRO/ACIAR/DFID Expert Workshop. Bangkok, Thailand, 7-9 February 1999. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No.395. Rome, FAO. 2000. 93p. [pp. 85-90]