Domestic water supply, competition for water resources and IWRM in Tanzania: a review and discussion paper


This paper reviews the historical development of domestic water supplies in Tanzania, the consequences of major policy shifts during the last seven decades, and some of the reasons for the failure of water supply systems. It considers the extent to which water resource issues are constraints in meeting the water supply needs of rural and urban populations, and the relevance of integrated water resources management to the WSS sector. Drawing upon case-study material from 2 major river basins, the Pangani and Rufiji, it reviews some of the practical steps being taken to implement IWRM principles in Tanzania.


Butterworth, J.; Moriarty, P.; Maganga, F.P. Domestic water supply, competition for water resources and IWRM in Tanzania:a review and discussion paper. (2001)

Domestic water supply, competition for water resources and IWRM in Tanzania: a review and discussion paper

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Published 1 January 2001