Early Childhood Nutrition Is Positively Associated with Adolescent Educational Outcomes

Evidence from the Andhra Pradesh Child and Parents Study (APCAPS)


India’s Integrated Child Development Scheme, which provides supplementary nutrition and other public health services to more than 91 million women and children aged under 6 years is the largest programme of its kind in the world.

The authors estimated the long-term associations of maternal and early childhood nutrition provided under the Integrated Child Development Scheme with educational outcomes when the children became adolescents.

This research is funded under the Department for International Development’s Transform Nutrition Programme which is led by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)


Arindam Nandi, Ashvin Ashok, Sanjay Kinra, Jere R Behrman, Ramanan Laxminarayan. Early Childhood Nutrition Is Positively Associated with Adolescent Educational Outcomes: Evidence from the Andhra Pradesh Child and Parents Study (APCAPS). The Journal of Nutrition. April 2016 vol. 146 no. 4 806-813 doi: 10.3945/​jn.115.223198

Early Childhood Nutrition Is Positively Associated with Adolescent Educational Outcomes: Evidence from the Andhra Pradesh Child and Parents Study (APCAPS) (Subscription or purchase of article required)

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Published 9 March 2016