EdQual Working Paper No. 5. Initiatives to improve the quality of teaching and learning. A review of recent literature.


This paper reviews recent literature relating to quality of teaching and learning processes within schools in low income countries, illustrated with analyses of specific initiatives to improve quality. The paper focuses on three key areas of meeting diverse learners' needs, trends in curriculum change, and enabling teachers, including the provision of teaching and learning resources. The paper concludes by highlighting areas in which the review found a lack of research evidence.


Enrique Hinostroza, J.; Barrett, A.; Sajid Ali; Clegg, J.; Lowe, J.; Jutta Nikel; Novelli, M.; Oduro, G.; Pillay, M.; Guoxing Yu; Tikly, L. EdQual Working Paper No. 5. Initiatives to improve the quality of teaching and learning. A review of recent literature. (2007) 28 pp. ISBN 978-1-906675-04-2

EdQual Working Paper No. 5. Initiatives to improve the quality of teaching and learning. A review of recent literature.

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Published 1 January 2007