Educate! RCT 4-Year Follow-On (Interpretation Memo)

Follow-up to a Randomized Controlled Trial which measured impact on students 4 years after completing the Educate! programme


Educate! aims to tie secondary education directly to life outcomes. We do this by partnering with schools and governments to reform what schools teach and how they teach it, so that students in Africa have the skills to attain further education, overcome gender barriers, start businesses, get jobs, and improve their livelihoods. Educate! partnered with researchers from the University of California-Berkeley, the World Bank, and Innovations for Poverty Action to conduct a follow-up to our Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) which measured our impact on students 4 years after completing the Educate! program. We saw strong impacts on soft skills (improved grit, creativity, self-efficacy), gender-related outcomes (what the researchers call “social spillovers” – less domestic violence, fewer sexual partners, fewer children, more egalitarian views), and educational attainment (increased secondary school completion, increased tertiary enrollment for women, greater likelihood of selecting higher-earning majors). After Educate!, girls were essentially as likely to graduate from secondary school as boys.

This work is funded in part by the Global Innovation Fund.


L Chioda, L and P Gertler. Educate! 4-year Follow-on Interpretation Memo

Educate! RCT 4-Year Follow-On (Interpretation Memo) (PDF, 1654KB)

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Published 31 December 2019