Education and Learning: Preliminary Findings from the Round 5 Survey in India

Findings show progress has been made on expanded access to secondary schooling but learning levels often remain low


This fact sheet presents findings from the fifth round of the Young Lives survey of children in United Andhra Pradesh in 2016. Young Lives has followed 2 cohorts of children, born 7 years apart in age. This fact sheet gives a snapshot of key education indicators for 15-year-olds in 2016 (Younger Cohort) and compares that to the data for 15-yearolds in 2009 (Older Cohort) to show changes in the context of children’s education over that 7-year time period. As the key findings show, great progress has been made on expanded access to secondary schooling, but learning levels often remain low. Policies to improve equity should continue to address the position of the poorest children, girls and those from marginalised social groups.

Young Lives is an international study of childhood poverty, following the lives of 12,000 children in 4 countries (Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam) over 15 years. Young Lives is funded by the UK Department for International Development


Singh, R, Reddy, P., Galab, S., Mukherjee, P., Education and Learning: Preliminary Findings from the Round 5 Survey in India. Young Lives Fact Sheet Round 5. Oxford: Young Lives, 2017

Education and Learning: Preliminary Findings from the Round 5 Survey in India

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Published 1 September 2017