Effect of foliar application of Zn and Fe on wheat yield and quality


Intensive and multiple cropping, cultivation of crop varieties with heavy nutrient requirement and unbalanced use of chemical fertilizers, especially nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, reduce the quality of grain production and cause the appearance of micronutrient deficiency in crops. A field experiment was conducted on clay-loam soil in Moghan region (Iran) during 2007-2008 to investigate the effect of foliar application of zinc and iron on wheat yield and quality at tillering and heading stage. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with three replicates. The treatments were control (no Zn and Fe Application), 150 g Zn.ha-1 as ZnSO4, 150 g Fe.ha-1 as Fe2O3, and a combination of both Zn and Fe. In this study, parameters such as wheat grain yield, seed-Zn and Fe concentration were evaluated. Results showed that foliar application of Zn and Fe increased seed yield and its quality compared with controls. Among treatments, application of (Fe + Zn) obtained the highest seed yield and quality.


Habib, M. Effect of foliar application of Zn and Fe on wheat yield and quality. African Journal of Biotechnology (2009) 8 (24) 6795-6798.

Effect of foliar application of Zn and Fe on wheat yield and quality

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Published 1 January 2009