ELLA Learning Alliance on Climate Resilient Cities - Discussion 8: Climate Resilient Buildings and Urban Upgrading

Experts discuss programmes to improve climate resilience in commercial buildings and informal housing


Experts from Africa, Asia and Latin America discussed programmes to improve climate resilience in commercial buildings and informal housing, or the lack thereof. In many cases, the existence of laws has not yet resulted in any significant improvement in terms of building standards, due in part to a lack of local capacity. 2 cases of reducing climate vulnerability in informal settlements in Latin American cities were shared – one a government-funded programme, and the other led by an NGO. Participants considered these two approaches and whether they might be adapted their local contexts.


ELLA. ELLA Learning Alliance on Climate Resilient Cities - Discussion 8: Climate Resilient Buildings and Urban Upgrading. ELLA, Practical Action Consulting, Lima, Peru (2014) 11 pp.

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Published 1 January 2014