ELLA Learning Alliance on Extractive Industries - Module 3: Preventing and Addressing Social Conflicts

Participants exchanged their own perspectives and assessed how such knowledge could be adapted to their own regions


Module 3 of the Learning Alliance on Extractive industries (LEA1) aimed to exchange knowledge on a range of issues regarding extractive industries and social conflicts. Participants exchanged their own perspectives and assessed how such knowledge could be adapted to their own regions. This document summarises the posts and main conclusions drawn from the discussions. Materials shared are hyperlinked and selected contributions are also highlighted. Finally, conclusions from the module are presented.


ELLA. ELLA Learning Alliance on Extractive Industries - Module 3: Preventing and Addressing Social Conflicts. ELLA, Practical Action Consulting, Lima, Peru (2014) 21 pp.

ELLA Learning Alliance on Extractive Industries - Module 3: Preventing and Addressing Social Conflicts

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Published 1 January 2014